
RyuzakiLib API


Warning Do not expose the __Secure-1PSID

from RyuzakiLib.api.reqs import AsyicXSearcher

url ="https://randydev-ryuzaki-api.hf.space/ryuzaki/gemini-ai-pro"

payload = {
    "query": "hello world",
    "bard_api_key": "cookie token here",
    "is_login": True

headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",

response = await AsyicXSearcher.search(url, post=True, re_json=True, headers=headers, json=payload)
  • bard_api_key : (optional)

  • is_login : default False (optional)

  1. Visit https://bard.google.com/

  2. F12 for console

  3. Session: Application → Cookies → Copy the value of __Secure-1PSID cookie.

Note that while I referred to __Secure-1PSID value as an API key for convenience, it is not an officially provided API key. Cookie value subject to frequent changes. Verify the value again if an error occurs. Most errors occur when an invalid cookie value is entered.


Faster Downloader

from RyuzakiLib.api.fullstack import FullStackDev

# - Supported jpg, mp4, mp3

link_url = "https://example.jpg"

await FullStackDev.fast(url=link_url, filename="photo.jpg", type_mode="wb")
  • Now you've saved it, see for example photo.jpg

  • parameter

  • filename="example.mp4"

  • type_mode="wb"

  • Do something like example

import RyuzakiLib.api.fullstack as example

Last updated